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tv   The Situation Room  CNN  November 15, 2013 2:00pm-3:31pm PST

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left his role in the administration. >> right after the national prayer breakfast he gave me a nice send-off. >> there was just one condition, that he continue to send the president his morning devotional. dubois has a new book featuring many devotionals he sent to the president. it's on sale now. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. coming up on "the situation room," jim sciutto is filling in. i will be filling in for wolf at 6:00 so i will see you in one hour. mr. sciutto, take it away. happening now, house democrats back a republican fix for obama care. one their leaders say should dismantle the troubled program. also, a mystery off florida. a man falls from a plane and disappears. and bat-kid to the rescue at city hall. thousands of volunteers come together to make the wish of a young cancer patient come true. wolf blitzer is on assignment today. i'm jim sciutto. you're in "the situation room."
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if you could be a fly on the wall for one meeting today here in washington, the one to pick just wrapped up at the white house. president obama sitting down with the heads of some of the nation's largest health insurance companies. he's asking them to take part in a controversial and high priced fix to an obama care flaw that's caused millions of people to have their policies canceled. the president now wants those plans extended for a year, but on capitol hill, house republicans want them reinstated permanently, potentially fatal blow to obama care and one that some democrats crossed the aisle today to vote for. cnn's chief congressional correspondent dana bash is there today. dana, how big a blow for the president today? >> reporter: well, look, the prospect of losing this vote in a big way is exactly what drove the democratic leaders here earlier in the week to plead with obama officials for the president to come up with some kind of fix to this canceled policy problem. so the fact that the president
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did offer a mea culpa yesterday, he offered his own plan, certainly helps soften the blow but it still stung. 39 house democrats, one-fifth of the caucus, defected and voted for a republican bill allowing people to keep canceled health policies. democrat ron barber in a tough re-election campaign next year was one of them. >> i had been home meeting with constituents. this has been a topic of concern and conversation. so i wanted to vote yes to let my constituents know i heard what they had to say. >> reporter: that despite warnings from democratic leaders that the gop bill would dismantle obama care by not only allowing consumers to keep canceled policies but also letting people sign up for new policies that do not meet new benefit requirements. >> that idea that it was helping consumers was sort of the trojan horse whose underbelly is poisonous in terms of the health and well-being of the american people. >> reporter: your leadership
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says that your vote would undercut the entire obama care law. >> well, i don't see it that way. i think any fix that we can make, particularly when a problem arises, is good for the people back home and truth of the matter is look, i'm accountable to the people who sent me here. >> reporter: the prospect of this gop vote is the main reason the president came out a day earlier with his own plan to reinstate canceled insurance policies. democratic sources admit without that, many more democrats would have defected. but the gop bill still got significant bipartisan support, and republicans were eager to pour salt on the president's political wounds. >> ask not what your country can do for you. the only thing we have to fear, tear down this wall. and our current president will be no different. if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. period. >> reporter: the president has issued a veto threat but it probably won't get that far because in the senate, there are
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certainly a number of senate democrats who also want to have a legislative fix, want the show their constituents back home that they are part of the problem just like some of their colleagues in the house did, but so far, democratic leaders who run the senate are saying that they will hold off on having a vote and give the president's plan a little bit more time to work. >> dana bash right in the middle of it as always. let's get more now with cnn chief political analyst gloria borger and cnn senior political analyst, ron brownstein, the editorial director of the national journal. so the president came out with an attempt at a fix yesterday with the stakes nothing short of saving his signature legislative program. did he succeed? >> no, i think the president is walking an incredible tightrope. on the one hand, he has to be seen, he wants to be seen as being responsive to the concern about people who are losing their existing policies, but he can't be too responsive to it, because ultimately, the way the individual market works now largely segregates out the sick, those who are in it tend to be healthy.
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they are exactly the people he needs to come in to the new plans to provide a balanced risk pool that will allow it to succeed going forward. if large numbers of them are allowed to stay in their current plans outside of the system, he is putting off problems today but compounding them a year from now when rates could go up and further that downward spiral. >> i was talking to a senior administration official yesterday who said to me we do understand that we are undermining our own program, but we have no choice and we have to do it administratively and for as short a time as possible. this upton bill would have undermined it completely. it's another way of undoing obama care. >> ron, you have written about how the stakes for the party as a whole, the very message can government fix things, can government help, you are talking about not just in 2014 but longer term. >> absolutely. look, the democrats have long viewed health care reform, the guarantee of universal health care, as their best way of demonstrating to skeptical voters, particularly in the white middle class, that government can in fact provide
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them tangible benefits. after decades of running, they are the dog that caught the bus. they now have the program. they need to show that it can work. instead, in the initial rollout at least, they still ultimately have time to reverse this, but in the initial rollout they've had kind of a disastrous first few weeks that have compounded the doubts, compounded the problem that the program is meant to solve. >> this president always talked about what government can do for you. he wants to embark on immigration reform, which means securing the borders, and who has to secure the borders, government. >> universal pre-k. >> will people trust government to secure the borders and by the way, will they trust the president because his own trustworthiness is now upside down. it's dropped ten points since october. so it's a problem -- >> below that crucial 40% approval rating, which was -- president bush dropped below that post-katrina. >> particularly among white voters it is down consistently
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around 30% with enormous skepticism. look, from the beginning, they have had enormous difficulty convincing particularly the white middle class that this program will benefit them and their family. in the virginia election exit poll -- >> that's why he said if you have a health care plan you like, you can keep it. for those voters. >> right. they started with skepticism and rather than dissolving or resolving it, they are compounding it. still have time to make it work but you never get a second chance to make a first impression. >> i know you have written in effect that for those white middle class voters this is kind of like food stamps. they view it as something that doesn't affect them. >> that has been the core problem they've had. many -- >> it might affect them because their premiums might end up going up. in the end if all of this is a complete failure. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> is this obama's katrina moment? you talk about trustworthiness, competency. >> credibility, all of that. you want to compare it to what president bush faced except this
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president, they have had years to plan for this. this isn't, you know, this isn't a disaster that just -- >> potentially, i agree. look, here's something that's really revealing. there were 36 house democrats today who voted in districts from which obama won 55% or less. 28 of those 36 voted for the upton plan. there were 156 districts where he won 55% or above. only 11 of them voted. these are the vulnerable democrats beginning to distance themselves, voting for something they probably knew would never happen. i'm not sure all of them would have voted for it if they thought it could. >> that doesn't take into account the senators who are worried about this who are up for re-election. generally, second term presidents don't do well, they generally lose seats in the midterm election of their second presidency. they were thinking after the shutdown you know what, we might actually gain seats because they were riding so high. now they have totally flipped on that. >> we were talking about the gop, we were ready to -- >> not that they're doing so great either. it's a race to the bottom.
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>> they canceled each other out. >> fantastic. next, i will talk to the republican lawmaker whose fix for obama care drew support from some democrats in the house today. also, toronto's town council takes action against the city's crack-smoking mayor. now even his brother is asking him to take a leave. and a special 5-year-old super hero is called in to save the day at san francisco as it becomes gotham city to help make his wish come true. [ woman 1 ] why do i cook? to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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reinstate policies that were canceled because they did not meet the stricter requirements of the affordable care act. but that could come with a huge price tag. cnn's joe johns is looking into it for us. how much is it going to cost us? >> well, $11 billion is the number to watch. that's the amount of money the government says it expects to pay out in 2014 to essentially underwrite insurance companies that are losing money because of the high cost customers, including the old and the sick. in order to pay for that, the government is going to balance that out and said it would take in $12 billion next year from fees to insurance companies that were making good money by writing policies to low risk consumers, including the young and the healthy. the question is whether the president's new fix is going to upset the apple cart. >> so to understand the math here, why would that happen, why would those numbers change by delaying those cancellation notices? >> you know, it's actually pretty simple. if lower cost consumers, for example, younger people with fewer insurance bills, decide they're going to stay with their
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old plans next year, but consumers with higher medical bills decide to go with obama care, the government could end up paying out more than it expected according to the american academy of actuaries which sent out a warning letter about this just yesterday. the white house and press secretary says it's really no big deal. listen. >> the reports in the press vary widely. i think that -- i think it's important to note that when you look at the number of people who would, for example, get benefits in the marketplaces, tax credits and the like, is 17 million and i think the largest number i have seen in terms of cancellation letters is three and a half million and i don't even know if that's accurate. >> so joe, let's say carney is wrong there. just how much money are we talking about? >> that is the billion dollar question. so far, no one we've talked to can tell us that number, but the american academy of actuaries has warned that the president's plan to give states the ability
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to reverse health insurance cancellations could increase cost to the government. how much? they won't say. the problem is, it's just hard to project who is going to get into obama care and who is going to stay out if they're allowed to keep their plans for another year. >> absolutely. that's a big problem because obama care sold in part by saying it will save money on the deficit. thanks very much to joe johns. house democrats are taking cover from expected fallout from the problems plaguing obama care. more than three dozen voted with republicans to approve a bill that would allow insurance companies to continue offering policies that fall short of obama care standards. republican congressman fred upton of michigan wrote it and joins us now live from capitol hill. congressman upton, thanks very much for joining us. your bill passed in the house but it would be dead on arrival in the senate, and the white house will veto it. explain to us how this will be different from your failed attempts in the past to actually repeal the entire affordable
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care act. >> well, let's see what happens. you've got to remember that we passed this by more than 100 votes this afternoon. the other thing is that earlier in the week, we had at least by everyone's estimate, at least 100 democrats that i think were willing to vote with our bill. so we would have had over 300 votes for this. that's finally prompted the white house yesterday afternoon to announce this administrative change that they're trying to do. but until then, they were willing, ready and willing to let literally millions of folks who were going the lose their individual policies, more than a quarter of a million in my state, almost a quarter of a million in my state of michigan, to go over the edge, to go over the side, disregard the promise that the president said you can keep your health care if you like it, period. don't have to do anything if you like it. they knew in fact it was different for years and yet until they saw that we were going to have some 300 votes a couple days ago, they were just going to sit on their hands. so we have raised the specter of
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debate, that's for sure. i don't know what the senate's going to do, whether they pass any legislation or not. we don't know what the white house, that's just down this way which is why i went that way, i don't know what they're going to do with this administrative fix that they're trying to impose but what do you tell the millions of folks who all of a sudden they've lost their policy, the premium's going up by maybe 300%, 400%, the deductibles are going up in the thousands of dollars. yesterday we had almost 100 house members just read letters on the house floor from the mail that they got from their insurance companies canceling their policy. it's not right. >> but let's get to the core issue here. in the past, your position has been you want the entire act to disappear. you voted against it, you have in fact sponsored legislation to do exactly that. now you brought new legislation which modifies it but keeps it alive. are you saying now that you're in favor of obama care as long as it has changed in this way? >> no. we would like to repeal it. there's not a republican out
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there that wouldn't like to repeal it. we would like to see that happen. but we also know that as we came back from our districts last week, grocery store, veterans events, service clubs, someone was at every one with a letter, a cancellation letter wondering what the heck they were going to do. that's what our legislation is, if you had an insurance policy, individual policy at the beginning of the year that qualifies you, you can keep it, like the president said. you're not going to have to pay a penalty like the president i guess is still going to impose that on folks at some point here early in the year, and at the end of the day, we are bipartisan but we have lots of issues to look at. look at this rollout, the website still having enormous problems. we are going to have a hearing next week in our committee relating to the security of the information that the individuals themselves actually put into that website. social security, income level, all of that. there's no reason for us to be convinced that it's secure.
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what are the providers going to do? i met with some of mine back in michigan last week. they don't know how, when people show up in january for services, doctors, physicians, hospitals, are those people really covered? how are they going to get paid? this is a mess. the administration told us from day one, they looked us in the eye, they said it's going to be ready. not the case. >> congressman, to get at your actual goal here, you say that the majority of republicans, yourself included, want to have this repealed. you know that nancy pelosi, the minority leader, has said this is a trojan horse in effect. are your intentions here to torpedo this bill, to make it unworkable, in effect? >> look, we're waiting to see how the administration is going to do this. they told us it was going to work. it hasn't. they told the american public they would be able to keep their plans. we know that for millions of folks, that that's not the case. we're trying to remedy some of these situations and not leave our constituents high and dry
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with nothing to show for it. >> one question we have been asking. you're from the great state of michigan. are you going to take the subsidy? the workplace contribution from the federal government or not to demonstrate your opposition to this going forward? >> well, as you know, members of congress are included in the obama care president's health care bill so we will lose our federal employee health care benefits. it puts us into the d.c. exchange. i have not yet explored what those options are. my personal staff will be in that as well. i also know that there's a court decision that will be probably out perhaps in the next couple weeks relative to whether or not there can in fact be a subsidy for any of the workers that are in the state exchanges. we'll see. i don't know. >> thanks very much, congressman upton. sponsored a bill today, got 39 democratic votes. >> won by more than 100. that's the key. >> appreciate having you on
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today. coming up, a deal on iran's nuclear program said to be getting close. we will talk about what it entails with congressman adam schiff, a member of the house intelligence committee. also, new developments in the bizarre case of toronto's mayor. there's fresh fallout from his admission that he smoked crack. plus, the feel-good story of the week. you'll be amazed at what thousands of people did to help make this cancer patient's batman wish come true. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything.
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cnn has learned that the u.s. and the west are getting close to a deal with iran on its nuclear program. senior administration official tells me the agreement would keep iran's nuclear technology from advancing and even roll it back in some key areas. we now have democratic congressman adam schiff of california to talk about it. he sits on the house intelligence committee. we have been here before, even in the last couple of weeks, thought we were close. how close do you think we are now? i get the sense from administration officials that they feel they are very near to making a deal. >> jim, i think we're probably
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very close, but as you said, we were very close a week ago and anything can cause this to fall apart. we can have differences with our allies about it. it could be that rouhani brings the proposed deal back to the mullahs and gets turned down. so very precarious but we have never been this close in more than a decade so there is some cause for optimism. >> you make a good point. the iranians have to go back to tehran and they have their own opposition there, hardliners who are very skeptical, as does the president here. he has his opposition, some of whom are in the democratic party. senator menendez, for instance, expressing concern about giving too much too soon. what do you say to those skeptics about a deal, about the outlines of the deal as we know it now? >> well, look, i think we have to go into these negotiations very skeptical. iran has proved to be hiding its nuclear program for years. they have a lot of reasons for us to be distrustful. at the same time, i don't think we want to do something that
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jeopardizes the chance to get to a good deal. we may not get there, but i don't think we should embark on another round of sanctions during the negotiations that might cause iranians to walk away. we need the support of the international community to enforce sanctions. if they see us imposing unacceptable obstacles to a diplomatic course, it's going to be a huge problem for us. so will they come through, i don't know. i don't think we can look in rouhani's eyes and see whether he's telling the truth, let alone see his soul. i do think we should give the administration a chance to see if they can get to a good deal. >> fair to say there are some people who don't want to see any deal at all. the argument the administration will make to them is that if you don't negotiate, the only option you're left with is going to war. is it safe to say that the true skeptics, that's the only option they're leaving open here, a military attack on iran's nuclear facility? >> i think those that are opposed to the present state of negotiations are probably in two camps.
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the one camp that says doesn't look like they're getting close to a good deal so we got to walk away and if we can push sanctions and help them walk away, all the better. the other that won't trust any kind of negotiated resolution, they just don't believe the iranians will follow through. they think it's yet another delay tactic and that it's delaying the inevitable use of military force. i think it's imperative that we try to see if we can get to a deal. it has to be verifiable and a short-term deal if we reverse any sanctions or provide any relief has got to be something we can turn on again very quickly. but if ultimately it comes to the use of military force, we don't want there to be any doubt in the world that we made every effort to get a diplomatic resolution. >> it seems to me one of the real problems here, this is a difficult deal to make at any time. now the administration attempting to do it when it has real hard opposition from allies it needs, its closest allies in the region, you heard from benjamin netanyahu in israel,
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you heard from the saudis. you need these people on board, don't you, to make this successful going forward? >> well, we do need their support. we may or may not get it. it's going to be awfully difficult to get with their active opposition. at the same time, i think we have to make the case with our friends and foes alike that the military path, if that's the only option we leave, has its own huge set of problems. it's not as if the military path inevitably leads to a conclusion where iran has no nuclear program. it may in fact mean they throw all caution to the wind and accelerate their nuclear efforts, so there is no good option here short of a negotiated one, and that may be possible, it may not be, but i think we ought to test the iranians. >> we will find out very quickly. they start meeting on wednesday this week in geneva. thanks very much, congressman adam schiff talking about these very important negotiations. when we come back, growing concern about the next osama bin laden. one lawmaker warns al qaeda is a
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worse threat today than before 9/11. also, the leader of the fourth largest city in north america is stripped of his power. details of new fallout for toronto's crack-smoking mayor. plus, batkid puts the riddler behind bars. it's a dream come true for a young cancer patient. we will show you how thousands of volunteers made it happen. [ taps baton ] [ dings ] ♪ [ male announcer ] every thought... every movement... ♪ ...carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. ♪ performing together with a single, united purpose.
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to front now. an unprecedented move in the city council to strip embattled mayor rob ford of key responsibilities in the aftermath of his admission to having smoked crack cocaine and what has been a bizarre week of tawdry allegations and vulgar language. cnn's senior international correspondent nic robertson is in toronto and joins us with the latest information. nic?
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>> reporter: well, on wednesday, we saw the city council here try to vote the mayor out of office. the vote went successfully against him but he refused to step down. now they're trying to do by other means what they couldn't achieve wednesday. what they're trying to do now is cut his power. >> the motion carries 41-2. >> reporter: this is the sound of toronto city council pulling power from embattled mayor rob ford. his reaction? i'll take you to court. >> this will cost taxpayers thousands of dollars. >> reporter: only he and his brother, counselor doug ford, voting against the motion to cut his authority. 41-2, how does that feel? >> well, at one level of course it feels good that the motions went through. however, this is a sad day for the city of toronto when council united left, right, center, uptown, downtown, had to do what it had to do. >> reporter: yet in his own
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unique and contradictory way, a seemingly ever so slightly humbled mayor ford appeared to sympathize. >> i would have done the same thing if i had a mayor the way i had conducted myself, i would have done the exact same thing. i'm not mad at anybody. i take full responsibility. >> reporter: even so, he will keep fighting. next week, more powers to be cut until -- >> what's he going to do? >> the mayor will still have the right to vote on issues but he will be one vote, one voice. >> reporter: that voice, part of the problem. nice on friday following profanities thursday, reacting to allegations of sexual misconduct with staff. >> she says i wanted to eat her [ bleep ]. i have never said that in my life to her. i would never do that. i'm happily married. >> reporter: if anyone thought curbing his power would cut his tongue, not so. monday, he starts his own tv
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show, "ford nation." questioned then if politicians can't reel him in, perhaps he should step back. >> it's clear he has a complicated relationship with his brother. probably not unusual. i think he both looks up to his brother, has been in his shadow. the brother is much more bullying, much more aggressive, much more inclined to fight it out. >> reporter: fight is what the ford family is doing. for how long is what everyone's asking. the perception here is the mayor's family does have deep pockets so the fight could go quite awhile. >> i have to ask you, how did he respond to being stripped of all his powers? does it sound like he will stick it out? >> reporter: he's going to stick it out. he doesn't think he's really being stripped of any powers. he thinks there's sort of essentially what they're doing is shuffling money from one place to another, but he can continue. perhaps he will now have to work if there's a state of emergency, work more closely with the deputy mayor, but his role the
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way he sees it, nothing in his view so far has changed. he just doesn't seem to get what so many other people seem to get here, jim. >> it makes washington seem practically civil. thanks very much. when we come back, we are learning more about the man who fell from a small engine plane as police expand the effort to try to find him. plus, a 5-year-old batman rescues a damsel in discretion and just got a special shout-out from president obama. this was the hardest decision i've ever had to make. jim, i adore the pool at your hotel. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty.
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a reinvented al qaeda and a man some call the new bin laden. cnn's brian todd is working the story for us today. brian, what are you finding out?
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how concerned should we be? pretty think pretty concerned. i spoke with u.s. officials and to the chairman of the house intelligence committee today. he has got a really chilling warning. mike rogers says al qaeda poses a bigger threat to attack inside the u.s. right now than it did before 9/11 and it's the smaller scale attacks he says that are the real danger. they have become the new faces of terrorism against america. the failed airline underwear bomber. the fort hood shooter. guided in ideology by al qaeda, now a jarring assessment of the threat from al qaeda to launch an attack inside the u.s. from house intelligence committee chair mike rogers. >> now they have a different attitude and more affiliates trying to commit acts of violence in the united states. to me, that makes this threat much worse than before 9/11. >> reporter: a u.s. official also tells cnn the threat from al qaeda affiliates has grown. they have set up in unstable
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countries in africa and the middle east, where they get safe haven. their leaders are encouraging smaller scale attacks by lone wolves more than ever before, rogers says, and they have the means. >> some of the al qaeda affiliates have better connections to the west, meaning they can get good paper to go to europe, they can get good paper to go to the united states. >> reporter: these small groups of terrorists are more likely to make mistakes, experts say, but are also harder to detect. because of that, rogers says this is not the time to scale back nsa surveillance, as many in congress want after the spying scandal. >> we are talking about reducing the tools, adding more risk that we're going to miss something. >> reporter: the mastermind of the small attack strategy, an article in the national journal points to a syrian al qaeda operative whom it calls the next bin laden. when cnn national security analyst peter bergen and a cnn team interviewed osama bin laden in 1997, it was al suri who
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escorted them to the al qaeda leader in afghanistan. bergen calls him intellectual and dangerous. >> he was inspired, talking about inspiring lone wolf attacks and basically, you know, his vision was of a loose network of jihadis that weren't part of an organization that could be easily detected or rolled up. >> reporter: that's very much like what we've got now. but bergen says he is not the next bin laden. he says he does not have the leadership skills, charisma or ability to marshal assets like the late al qaeda leader. >> thanks very much, brian. police are expanding a search for a man who either jumped or fell from a single engine plane as it flew off the coast of florida. >> reporter: more than 24 hours after a pilot made this bizarre call for help -- >> you said you had a passenger that fell out of your plane? >> that's correct, sir. he opened the back door and he
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just fell out of the plane. >> reporter: authorities say they are still working to solve this midair mystery. >> we have no indication at this time of how he fell out of the plane. >> reporter: it was early thursday afternoon when the pilot of this piper pa-46 private plane reported that his passenger, a 42-year-old gerardo nales, had fallen out of the plane at 1800 feet. >> mayday, mayday, mayday. i have a door ajar and i'm heading to tamiani. >> do you want to go to tamiami and land? you have a door open, is that what you said. >> i have a door ajar and a passenger that fell out. >> reporter: not your typical mayday cry. for now, the authorities are baffled. >> i cannot think of any legitimate reason to ever open a door of this airplane in flight. >> reporter: stephen wallace is the former head of the faa office of accident investigation. he says in his three decades of experience, he has never heard of a case like this. >> well, it seems like the focus
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is more on some sort of a crime, a homicide or suicide. you know, my guess is that that's probably appropriate. because as far as, from an aviation standpoint, very difficult to explain how this could happen. >> reporter: the coast guard spent four hours searching the area thursday, but found no sign of the missing man. miami-dade police search teams continued looking on friday. authorities believe the man is dead, saying it is highly unlikely he could have survived the fall without a parachute. authorities are not identifying the pilot or the relationship between the pilot and the passenger. police say they are taking a look at surveillance video from the airport as part of their investigation. jim? here's a look at some of the other stories we're monitoring in "the situation room" right now. a major shift for china, announcing plans to relax its decades-long controversial one child policy. and abolish labor camps, in an effort to improve human rights.
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this according to state news. officials have been hinting at these changes for months. the one child policy, despite being credited for slowing china's population growth, has been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines. and stop the presses. history is being rewritten just ahead of next week's 150th anniversary of the gettysburg address. at the time, abraham lincoln's short speech marking the consecration of the national cemetery was widely panned. critics wrote it off simply as silly remarks. now one pennsylvania newspaper is retracting its coverage, saying that quote, the patriot and union failed to recognize its momentous importance, timeless eloquence and lasting significance. the patriot news regrets the error. 150 years later. this sunday, cnn is paying tribute to the man who brought this network and all of cable news to life. our own wolf blitzer hosts a special documentary, "ted turner, the maverick man." here's a clip.
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>> as ted built his super station, he was dreaming up an even bigger idea. a 24 hour news channel. >> this new service will be called the cable news network. >> i worked until 7:00. when i got home, the so i missed television news completely. i figured there were lots of people like me. >> you can do so much more in 24 hours than you can in 24 minutes. >> you had this maverick down in atlanta, georgia, who had decided that he was going to provide news around the clock, 24 hours a day, not just at 6:00 when cronkite or others would be coming home to the edge news. >> we're a live, worldwide news network. >> we had no background in news, but it was plainly a major genre in cable television that was missing. >> finally you can see our news network headquarters.
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90,000 square feet of the future. >> most thought the idea was crazy. >> people did look upon that as foolish idea that was dusting for failure, but they underestimated ted turner. >> we decided on june 1, and barring satellite problems in the future, we won't be signing off until the world ends. >> we will cover it live. >> ted had 11 months to get the station on the air. >> we go no bureaus, no cameras, no cameramen, no employees, not a single one. when we signed on, we bureaus in tokyo, moscow, you know -- ♪ >> i dedicate the news channel for america, the cable news network. >> standby, read mike three. >> on june 1st, 1980, cnn aired
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its first broadcast. >> good evening. i'm david walker. >> i'm lois harp. now here's the news. >> you can see the full documentary "ted turner the maverick man" this sunday night, only here on cnn. when we come back, that man takes to the streets of gotham city, all in one 5-year-old's unbelievable dream come true. helicopters buzzing, and truck engine humming. sfx: birds chirping sfx: birds chirping life with crohn's disease ois a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation?
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what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. sfx: oil gushing out of pipe. sfx: birds chirping. it's batman to the rescue. he's only 5, and gotham city is really san francisco, all to make one amazing dream come true. cnn's dan simon is in san francisco, with the unforgettable story. >> reporter: well, hi, jim, we are at san francisco city hall, thousands of people here, this was a remarkable day. as you said, the city was transformed into gotham city to
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make this one little boy's wish come true. ♪ batman ♪ batman >> he has the cape, the mask, and that famous car. though he may not be old enough to drive, this custom-made bat mobile, he's teaching an entire city what it means to be a super hero. his name is miles scott. while he's never fought crime, it turns out he knows a thing or two about putting up a good fight. he was diagnosed with leukemia at just 18 months much he's been battling it ever since. today he's in remission. that seemed like a pretty good reason to celebrate. >> your wish was to be batman? >> yeah. >> reporter: why do you like him so much? >> because he's my favorite superman. >> reporter: what started out as a request to make-a-wish, it turned out forecloser to a dream. the organization's request snowballed on social media.
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twitter caught fire. more than 10,000 people signed up. even more showed up to change san francisco into gotham city. over several hours, this adorable little guy lived out his enormous dream. he rescued this damsel in distress. he was summoned by the police chief. >> bring the bat kid. >> there was even a bat signal. with the citizens of gotham cheering him on, little miles set off to save the san francisco giants mascot, lucilly the evil clutches of the peng n penguin. >> nicely done, dynamic duo, you saved the city. >> the san francisco chronicle credited the special edition "bat can i saving city." he even got a key to the city at a special ceremony, but the people here got something more. today they will leave their hearts in san francisco, they
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gave them to a little boy who proved what it really means to be a super hero. >> good job, bat kid. >> reporter: it was just last month that mile had a tube taken out of his chest to dispense medication, the director of the make awitch foundation was saying a bit ago, i think we gave miles back a bit of his childhood. truly a spectacular story. we've covered so many stories, but i have never seen anything quite like this. really remarkable to see the city of san francisco put this event together. >> i'm imagining my own guy here. did anybody expect it to be that big in san francisco? >> reporter: no. it just really goes to show you the power of social media. that's really what caused this thing to snowball. everyone, you know, a lot of people were so emotional with tears in their eyes when they saw that kid running. really special. i don't think i'll ever forget it. >> dan simon, thank you.
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all the way to the white house. in fact, it just got a big shoutout from president obama. have a listen. >> way to go, miles, way to save gotham. >> there you have it. that's it for me. "the situation room" continues in just a moment with my colleague, jake tapper. happening now, thousands of typhoon refugees are on the move, desperate to find fooled, shelter and safety after a week of misery, cnn is live in the disaster zone, plus new information on a potential deal to roll back iran's nuclear program. critics fear there may be more damage than good. new talks in the bullying scandal. what does jonathan martin telling the nfl now? wolf blitzer is off, i'm jake tapper. you, my friend, are in the "the situation room." glimmers of progress in the typhoon disaster zone one week
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after entire neighborhoods were flattened or swept out to sea. heavy machines are clearing away debris, more food, water and medical supplies are being distributed, but you can still see and smell the piles of debt bodies sitting in the sun and rain for seven days. the official death toll stance at 3,631, more than 1100 people are listed as missing. for many the situation is still very grim. thousands of refugees are on the move right now in search of food to eat and a place to stay. anna coren has been talking to some. anna? >> reporter: jake, there's finally we are seeing an outpouring of foreign aid and assistance a week after super typhoon haiyan hit the philippines. you know, millions of people, jake, have been displaced, homeless, and they are the survivors. they want to get out despite the aid coming in. we caught up with the latest boatload of refugees to flee.
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. having escaped death and destruction on a scale never before seen in the philippines -- >> it's just a dead city now. >> reporter: these survivors carry what few belongings they have down the ramp to safety. transporting almost 3,000 people from tacloban to cebu, this naval vessel couldn't have come soon enough. >> i was feeling hopeless. if we had stayed another week, i don't think we would survive. there's nothing here. >> reporter: the ship will continue to sail back and forth, making the slow 24-hour journey, until everyone who wants to live gets out of the devastated city. while the cry cat shortage -- others say they had to flee because of serious safety concerns. >> security is not good. they ransack homes, and they're like savages there already.
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>> reporter: waiting for them on the dock, a meal. and words of comfort and support. . so many of these refugees have been living without basic necessities for a week. finally they're getting food, they're getting fresh water and desperately needed medical attention. >> reporter: like marinen ramirez and her 10-year-old baby, they survived but now homeless. overwhelm overwhelmed, she says she will do what she must to rebuild a life for her family. >> sad, very sad. but i will work for my baby. >> reporter: jake, these survivors are arriving by boat. they're also by plane. the c-130 hercules behind me are ferrying people up. you can see the stream of refugees walking past. a plane just landed a short time ago. you know, jake, these people are desperate and have to rebuild
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their lives. they're going to these evacuation centers and are in desperate need of authorities to help them put back the pieces. >> anna, thank you. we're going to go to ark, who is live in manila. anderson, good to see you. are you seeing any progress? we've had seven days now. is the government able to get the supplies, these desperately needed supplies of food and medical supplies? are they able to get them to the people of the philippines? >> reporter: well, i mean, certainly with each day, it gets better, no doubt about that. the question is, is it fast enough for people who are desperate for water, who are desperate for food. time is the enemy of somebody who is thirsty for a child who doesn't have clean water to drink. so there are still a lot of pile-ups of aid in certain areas, you know at the airport there's not enough forklifts, for instance, to move large
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pallets of good, not enough vehicles. even fuel is in short supply. so it is a complex task, but it is not one that is moving smoothly. certainly it should be said, you know, as the uss military ramps up, marines will bring in more vehicles, more forklifts, trying to get forklifts out to the distribution points they're setting up. certainly the philippine government will be trying to get more trucks in, but you know, time is ofs essence. >> anderson, you responded to critics who said your reporting was too negative. let's take a listen. on the streets next to the body of your children? can you imagine that strength? you've seen that body of your dead children? can you imagine that strength? i can't. i've seen that strength day in and day out here in the
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philippines, and we honor them with every broadcast that we do. >> anderson, you clearly got emotional. you've covered quite a few disasters. how does this one compare in terms of the relief efforts, the devastation. >> well, you know, that was in response to the philippine president said that particularly foreign journalists should not only be accurate, but do stories that show the spirit and resilience. my point was i believe we've been doing that with every broadcast we've done, with ever story all our correspondents have been telling. you see the resilience of a mother searching for her dead children without any help from the government, without any help in trying to find her dead children, whether they're alive or dead in the rubble. the resilience of a mother forced to sleep outside on the street for day after day after day close to the body, and smelling the decomposing body. can you imagine? that's strength. so i believe our reports have certainly been accurate and just
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as importantly, showing that resilience of the filipino people. we've seen that did you you know, you always see that? disaster, you always see people rise to the challenge more often than not, but we've seen it particularly here. in many of these areas, these are poverty-stricken areas, where even in the best of times life is very hard, and the needs of the people are not met necessarily by the government. they're very much on their own, have been for generations. and we certainly have seen the results of that playing out this week. and i just think it's kind of awe-inspiring, the strength of people here and the way they have responded to this. they have every right to be angry. they have every right to give into despair, but they get up every day and searching and trying to survive. sdpoo you and all our correspondents in the field, you have seen? horrible scenes. listen to this clip from nick
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paton walsh. >> this is where it ends without ceremony, the corpses that have littered tacloban, so many have come to rest here. and tell parts of is the horror of how they must have died, but they leave many questions, too, over the overpowering smell of looming dizzy. >> thousands still not buried. how do you deal with that? >> reporter: you know, i was in that spot where nick was, probably i guess two days ago. and, you know, what doesn't come across on television, and it's just the smell which permeates that entire area because of the that location. that is where the few bodies that they have collected, the 200 or so, 300 or so that they have body bags for that they have put there, it is -- its gut-wrenching. everybody who lives around there, it is the daily reminder
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of the horror of what they have witnessed. you know, the family members have to go, open up those body bags and look at what remains of people, in trying to identify their loved ones. if you have ever seen the victims of a flood, a storm surge, a person who's been left out in the sun for five or six days, as many have, they are very much unidentifiable unless they have some sort of document on them. you could be looking at your mother, your father, your child and not recognize that person. yet family members are going from body bag to body bag opening them up and staring into the faces of horror, the faces of those who have passed, been killed. it's -- it is a -- it is a grim task. it is a necessary task, but it is just a devastating task for families here. >> it is incredible what the philippine people are going through right now. thank you for being our eyes and ears there. to find out how you can help, go
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to for more on this horrific story and what we can do to help. ahead, can a florida state quarterback clear his name and win the heisman? and other big sports stories. we have new information about sensitive negotiations that prompted senator john mccain to slam an old friend. >> look, this guy has been a human wrecking ball. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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new signs of progress in nuclear talks with iraq that have made some u.s. allies and members of congress nervous. jim scuitto is here with the latee. jim? >> you really do get a sense that the signs are -- later they're meeting this week in geneva. a senior administration official telling me they could reach agreement with iran as soon as later this week. iran and the west senior administration officials tell cnn are close to an interim nuclear deal that would stop iran's program from expanding and rolling back in key areas. a proposal would address every aspect of iran's nuclear program, from uranium enrichment to uranium stockpiles to monitoring of the most secretive military facilities. in return, the west would provide limited sanctions relief, the extents to have the administration has been very careful to downplay. >> the temporary, modest,
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reversible limited relief we are promising in turn would freeze the program, dilute some of the highly enriched uranium, and we get a much more aggressive inspection verification machine. >> reporter: so far that sales pitch has failed to impress some republicans and even democrats on the hill. the case has been long on emotion, short on details. >> i'm told yesterday that secretary kerry refused to give any details of the negotiations, position of the united states in these negotiations, and yet at the same time wants to rely on our goodwill. look, this guy has been a human wrecking ball. >> reporter: the u.n.'s nuclear watch dog however has found modest progress already. a new report from the agency has said iran has halted the -- which are quicker at generated highly enriched uranium, and new
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work on what was thought to be a second path to a nuclear weapon has ceased. it was volunteer, or due to technical difficulties. these were a longer-term agreement, so you can call what's happen as a pre-confidence-building measurer, but possibly a sign. >> and still big questions about what exactly the deal is. thank you very much. now do damage control, the president met a short while ago with insurance executives. he needs their help to carry out the new plans to help people keep canceled policies for an extra year. here's chris frays of cnn investigations. >> reporter: since the obama carrollout began mailboxes across the country have been filled with bat news, but some insurers are getting in trouble to misleading the customers. in kentucky, officials find humana after the insurer sent this her to more than 6500
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customers. it says customers have to choose one of two options within 30 days. either legally extend their current policy through 2014, or choose a new, more expensive policy that complies with obama care. the letter never mentions buying insurance through the new exchange. kentucky insurance commissioner sharon clark calls the her high pressure and misleading. >> when you tell you have to do something in 30 days, and if you don't do it, we're going to make the choice for you, that's disconcerting. >> reporter: and illegal, according to clark. they broke the law when it included a form that had not gotten the required approve from her office. why do you think humana worded the letter the way they did. >> i think they were interested in keeping those policy holders, and also i think at the end it was lack of understanding of kentucky law. >> reporter: cleerk fined humana and voided the letter.
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she required the company to send customers a correction with a full range of options. that included buys insurance from the exchange, working with a broker, or keeping their current coverage under it expires. kentucky is not alone. in colorado, humana sent the renewal letter that the state insurance commissioner calls threatening and incorrect. humana was required to reextract the her and apologize to the policyholders. in missouri, regulators are looking into whether -- humana declined multiple interview requests, but in a statement said humana has been reaching out to individual policy holders to let them know of their full range of options when the new aca insurance laws become effective. when you're talking about a fortune 100 company like humana, it doesn't seem like much of a fine, so i asked the insurance
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commissioner what gives. she told me just to keep the fine low as $10 a her, because she was trying to send a message, and worried a bigger fine would just get passed along to the consumers in the form of a higher premium. thank you very much. louisville guard kevin ware is back on the basketball court after his gruesome leg injury that horrified fans. he talked about his comeback with rachel nichols. she's standing by to join us live with a clip of her interview and much, much more. i'm only in my 60's.
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sgloots disturbing allegations, but also an uplifting story of a college basketball player's comeback. let's bring in rachel nichols. her show airs at 10:30 tonight. jonathan martin met with the nfl's independent investigator, saying a look into the bullying
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scandal that let martin to leave the team and incognito for suspended indefinitely. take us inside a meeting like this. how much is at stake here? >> the fact that martin just left the offices tells you something. it lasted about seven hours. there's quite a bit at stake. martin has to go through all of his allegations and describe what evidence does he have to back up these allegations. the investigator is trying to find out is this a very unfortunate incident between two players, or is this more of an institutional problem, something that has to be addressed across the culture of the nfl? there's been a report out there that dolphins management actually asked richie incognito to, quote, toughen jonathan martin up. if that's true that's something they need to address with the entire league. it also facts richie. he filed a grievance yesterday. remember, he's suspended, his livelihood is being cut off. he said that's not fair
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punishment. he said, instead, he's being scapegoated. so a lot to untangle. by the way, jake, don't forget that jonathan martin's mother is not just a lawyer, but a lawyer who spent the last 20 years working with workplace harassment. so all those i's better be dolted and ts crossed. >> he's cooperating with authorities, but why is this report coming out now 11 months later? was it covered up? what's your take? >> well, certainly his lawyer believes it's the latter. his lawyer pointed out this is the month when the heisman voting happens, and he thinks there's a conspiracy -- on. that mike college football conspiracy theories in the heart of college football country, but it is a valid question. it's interesting to note that the police report that has been released, and it has been
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heavily redacted. in the part that has been released, that lists the assailant as 5'10", 5'11", well, wince stone is 6'4". is he an accomplice? is that the kind of thing they're looking into in we just don't know. what we do know is florida state is playing him this weekend. it will be naive to think that kind of thing doesn't go on, i guess is the. tonight on your show you sit down with kevin ware. we remember he severely broke his leg last year. and of course his coach rick pitino. what did they have to tell you? >> the beg hidline is his recovery. it was eight months ago when his bone was popping out of his leg in the middle of the arena. now dinks in practice, even played in an exhibition game. i talked to both kevin and coach pitino about that journey of
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recovery starting with the incident, and asked him, hey, have you watched that video again? take a listen. >> i've seen it happened one time. that was enough. i told him not to watch it. it serves no purpose. >> honestly i'm strong mentally. i haven't seen the video. i kind of feel like i would start doubting myself. i wouldn't want to jump on the leg. so i kind of feel like that would backtrack me. >> kevin hasn't played in an official game yet. that will come in a week or so, but he does have a bet with kobe bryant, kobe coming back from injury as well. he said, whoever gets back to the court first, the other one comes and watching their game. kevin has told me you better come and see me soon if i win. your show airs at 10:30 eastern, and follow us on twitter. "crossfire" with representatives matt cartwright and john fleming as guests, that starts right now.
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tonight on "crossfire", president obama rejected by the house again. >> if it's going to be my way or the highway, we'll try and do whatever we can to help people. >> is it the beginning of the end for his more cherished accomplishment? >> it is essentially pull the plug on the affordable care act. van joan and s.e.cupp. matt cartwright, who supports the president's plans, and representative john fleming, who is voting against them. are congress and at the public tuning out the president? tonight on "crossfire." welcome to "crossfire." we have two congressman in the mid of the -- i want to say at the top of the show, i am proud
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of president obama. he's trying to fix stuff. i think that's terrible. it is really too bad, our last many never found the courage to apologize for anything. republicans love going back decades and they hate it when democrats mention that george bush ever existed, but he did exist and never apologized. not for anything. so maybe we finally have a commander in chief who's willing to acknowledge some faults that the gop can meet him halfway. is that too much to ask for? >> look, taking responsibility and admitting account and for something, that's a baseline. that should be rote. it's a pretty low bar when we're congratulating